BLACKSMITHNAGOYA 12018年9月29日exhbitionBLACKSMITH Co. new items are on display at NORITAKE GARDEN MUSEUM.... . . . . BLACKSMITH Co. 新作のスタンドライト、スプリングスツール+などが9/26-9/29の期間、愛知県のノリタ...
BLACKSMITHNAGOYA 12018年7月14日Wall paintingSee BLACKSMITH Co. Logo appears on a brick wall...!!! Painted by Mr.Itoh, Airbrush Nagoya", K&S company. Many thanks!!!...
BLACKSMITHNAGOYA 12018年7月2日Exhibition in art museumOur products exhibited in Toyota Municipal Museum of Art. There were also some works by metal specialists and professors... We are very...
BLACKSMITHNAGOYA 12017年10月18日exhibition 2My motorcycle art"無題”....was exhibited at AICHI MSEUM.... I could make a progress as a metal artist....more and more..... thanks to...
BLACKSMITHNAGOYA 12017年10月10日Brass Welding Artmaking the gas tank... with using brass welding on the sheet metal of iron... Of cause...Patina looks...inspired from old antique...
BLACKSMITHNAGOYA 12017年9月27日Art of motorcyclemaking a motorcycle rear fender ...for the Art Exhibition at AICHI MUSEUM.... you know see that is inspired from old antique furniture......
BLACKSMITHNAGOYA 12017年9月15日Art of motorcycleOne of my masterpiece "HELL BOY" will be exhibited in the AICHI Museum of Art ..... 2017,September27 ~October1 J1,J2...